Kybella Specialist
McGuiness Dermatology & Plastic Surgery
Dermatologists and Aesthetic Specialists located in , Flower Mound, Plano, Prosper, Murphy & Richardson, TX
A double chin can make you look older and heavier than you actually are. At McGuiness Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, the expert team of dermatologists offers Kybella®, an injectable treatment to reduce moderate to severe fat below the chin and streamline your profile. Call one of the locations in Plano, Flower Mound, Prosper, and Murphy, Texas, or book a consultation online to learn how Kybella can help resolve your double chin.
Kybella Q & A
What causes a double chin?
A double chin, clinically known as submental fullness, can develop over time or be an aesthetic issue you’ve dealt with your entire life. Common reasons that you develop a double chin include:
- Weight gain
- Genetics
- Aging
Regardless of the reason for your double chin, Kybella can help.
What is Kybella?
Kybella is an FDA-approved prescription, and injectable, treatment that destroys fat cells under your chin to improve submental fullness. Kybella is not approved for areas other than your chin.
How does Kybella work?
Kybella contains synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring compound in your body that helps with the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into your chin, Kybella effectively destroys fat cells so they can no longer store fat. You achieve a noticeably improved profile as a result of treatment.
Who is a candidate for Kybella?
Anyone who is bothered by the appearance of a double chin can benefit from Kybella treatments. You may consider the treatment if:
- You feel your double chin makes you look older or larger than you actually are
- You eat well and are physically active, but your chin fullness doesn’t go away
- You want to avoid surgical solutions
Consult with the dermatologists at McGuiness Dermatology & Plastic Surgery to find out if Kybella is for you.
How many Kybella treatments will I need?
The dermatologists at McGuiness Dermatology & Plastic Surgery develop a customized treatment plan depending on your chin profile. At each treatment session, you receive multiple injections into special target areas under your chin.
Every patient responds differently, but most people see results in just two to four sessions spaced one month apart. Some may need up to six sessions to achieve their aesthetic goals.
How long do the results of Kybella last?
Kybella offers a permanent fat reduction. Once the cells are destroyed, they cannot plump back up. Once you’ve gone through your treatment series, you don’t have to schedule retreatments or touch-ups.
To learn more about how Kybella can refine your profile and double chin, call one of the offices of McGuiness Dermatology & Plastic Surgery or book an appointment online.
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